The cake is a lie. What if it were an employee of Aperture Science while they were still developing the portal technology? Does ERROR take place sometime far in the future, when GLaDOS is only barely still alive? Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer, Here's the latest on RTX 3080 stock, according to retailers and manufacturers, What Microsoft buying Bethesda means for PC gamers. You don't get the voice of GLaDOS greeting you as you wake up and begin playing: The Aperture Science facility is quiet and dark, almost like everyone's gone home for the day. Please refresh the page and try again. New York, なお、コンパニオンキューブのぬいぐるみは公式グッズショップで販売されている。タレットたんのぬいぐるみも作ってほしい。, もともとフリーウェアのゲーム「Narbacular Drop」をルーツとし、デジペン工科大学(ゲーム専門校)の学生達によって作成されたもの。, 初見Playで通常3~4時間ほどかかるPortalだが、バグ技を駆使し、15分以内にクリアすることも可能 Press J to jump to the feed. You will receive a verification email shortly. With the mod installed, Portal feels immediately weird. ID: AtWSFPq7xg, 2019/05/08(水) 13:21:38 Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. Portal is a hilarious first-person puzzle adventure, but ERROR manages to turn it into a creepy psychological horror. The cake is a lie. The cake is a lie. During Bethesda's QuakeCon At Home event, Project Lead Jeff Gardiner confirmed mod support is coming to Fallout 76, which should support that game's longevity much like it has for Portal. The Portal mechanic allows for some unsettling scenarios, such as chasing yourself forever through two patrol. It's honestly extremely weird to be solving those first few puzzles in relative silence. I wondered about combining those two concepts together and therefore, made this idea for a horror game.

In a series of blog posts, modder M_K_L, states that ERROR is a corrupted version of Portal they were somehow able to download, and that a mysterious entity called Dead Devs sent a number of foreboding messages warning M_K_L not to release the files. In ERROR, the test chambers and puzzles are familiar. ID: lCXIo3fGr2, 推奨環境:Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera いずれかの最新版, ヒステリックブルー二階堂容疑者は女性を襲った後、山梨に引っ越し“偽名生活”《埼玉で強制わいせつ逮捕》, 元スクエニCEO・和田洋一氏がコロナ後のゲーム業界の未来を語る。デジタルとフィジカルの分離から働き方改革、アップル対Epic Gamesの行方まで【GDM Vol.41 Onlineレポート】, リモートワーク中、子猫が頭の上に乗ってきた。そのままうたた寝をしてしまうほのぼの事案, アニメ「リゼロ」37話、エキドナ(CV:坂本真綾)の本性に視聴者反響「鳥肌たった」, 洋服の青山、就活スーツのレンタルサービスへ コロナ禍のオンライン就活に対応「必要な時にだけ利用」もOK, あのガンダムのシールドがベルトのバックルに!? Thank you for signing up to PC Gamer. ), This may be too hard to make but it is an amazing concept. The horror game involves multiple players who have to survive until dawn. It feels like you're not supposed to be there at all.
「機動戦士ガンダム」ガンダムシールド型バックルの本革ベルトが登場!. Though for the sake of the story, I think the dimension interpretation will be taken instead. Whether this would be a self-contained story or connected to the main games, I'm not sure. It's definitely influenced by horror - though GLaDOS may be more a villain a la Freddy Krueger more than Shodan. Granny Horror Game Play Online.

Find the hottest trending scary horror games on Game Jolt. Sometimes the lights abruptly go out completely. The game begins by showing you have 6 hours, 4 hours, 3 hours, etc. A subreddit for (almost) anything related to games - video games, board games, card games, etc. Find Flash games tagged Horror like The Deepest Sleep, Deeper Sleep, Deep Sleep, Seven Photos: Photographic Detective Murder Mystery Game Inspired by DanganRonpa, Can You Escape Love? Portal™ is a new single player game from Valve. Discover over 1.3k games like NECROCAGE Year EP5 (End), Prism, T-Gotchi!, Cannibal Cafe' HD, The Church Grim, the Ghost, and the Scarecrow