Looking for a scrabble word list? Matthew Cohen/rd.com

The Spruce Crafts uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. However, the 10-point letter can be seen as a source of high-scoring plays.

There are over 100 two-letter words which can be played in Scrabble. Erik Arneson has been writing about games since 1999.

There are a number of vowel-heavy words that are seven and eight letters long that are legal in the game.

With these in your memory bank, pulling the Z will become an "aha!"

He's the author of a gaming book and the former VP of the Strategy Gaming Society. Words you can make with our word unscrambler. The good news is that more than 120 legal Scrabble words can be spelled without a vowel. All intellectual property Vowel Dumps - Vowel Dumps you can play in scrabble. Useful List of Words .

Common Prefixes - Huge list of common prefix words used in the english dictionary, Free Scrabble Word Finder - Another huge word list, Embeddable Word Solvers - Multi Language Scrabble Word Finders for your websites, Scrabble Dictionary API - Word verification for the offical scrabble dictionary. That's when you'll be happy to have studied vowel-heavy five-letter words, all of which have at least four vowels.

Like the Q, the Z is worth 10 points in Scrabble. Did you know there are 175,393 words in the scrabble dictionary? All of the seven-letter words include at least five vowels, and the eight-letter words include at least six vowels.

When you enter a word and click on Check Dictionary button, it simply tells you whether it's valid or not in scrabble word game. A great place to start is learning a few three-letter J words that you can pull out of nearly any rack. 1428 results Compound Words - Over 100,000 compound words!

List of Two letter words - Scrabble Word Finder.

Yet, even casual Scrabble players can become significantly better with a relatively modest investment of time.

Yet, even casual Scrabble players can become significantly better with a relatively modest investment of time.

Each includes at least four vowels and can help turn your fortune around. Becoming a world-class Scrabble player requires years of study and practice.

The only problem is that they're not the easiest words to remember, so you might want to spend extra time committing them to memory.

WARNING! A rack full of vowel tiles can put you in a real pinch. & Sons Limited of Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, a subsidiary Maybe a compound word, or words that start or end with any letter. Words with Friends is a trademark of Zynga with Friends.