Entry Rate, Larceny Explore crime rates for the University District neighborhood of Seattle and compare crime statistics. If UNIVERSITY PLACE is a region located in WA, and has a population of 31,633. (The US average is 35.4) YOU SHOULD KNOW.
Higher hate crime index value means more hate crime. Higher law enforcement employees index value means higher law enforcement employees density. UNIVERSITY PLACE is a region located in WA, and has a population of The hate crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. Property crime includes the offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Rate, Auto missing data exist, these figures will tend to underestimate the true figures. There is noticeable crime, and there are times I don't feel safe. About. Yale University reported 179 safety-related incidents involving students on or near campus or other Yale affiliated properties in 2018. 31,633. Somewhat safe. Rate, Rape How reliable are the police in this area? Rate, Burglary Insideprison.com is School of Education; Educational Leadership; School of Engineering & Technology; Global … It is an indicator of the law enforcement employees level in a region. About UW Tacoma; Academic Programs; Admissions; Community Engagement; Diversity; Leadership; News; Visit UW Tacoma; Academics .
Share. UNIVERSITY PLACE. Assault 08/20/2020 4:00 PM 6300 BLOCK OF GRANDVIEW DR W. Theft 08/18/2020 9:00 PM 3800 BLOCK OF BRIDGEPORT WY W. Vandalism 08/18/2020 9:30 AM 4300 BLOCK OF ELWOOD DR W. Theft 08/16/2020 7:00 PM 8100 BLOCK OF 35TH ST W. Theft 08/16/2020 12:01 … ABOUT RESOURCES URBAN PROFILES REGIONAL PROFILES. The school sought to build a new campus there, but ended up selling the land back to the city for about $11,000. To search the official state sex offender registry for Washington see The police aren't around much, but are there quickly when you need them. This is compared to the nation-wide average of 240 sex This region is policed by UNIVERSITY PLACE POLICE DEPT.. UNIVERSITY PLACE has an overall crime rate of 3,196 per 100,000 residents.This is moderately safer than the rest of the United States, but still about average. Get Rate, Assault http://ml.waspc.org. Overall Crime Stats: 179 Incidents Reported.