In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and

This is part of a blog series that highlights research investments to advance automation and mechanization for specialty crops. nursery crops (including floriculture). Learn more about this USDA-NIFA funded project: W2009: Integrated Systems Research and Development in Automation and Sensor for Sustainability of Specialty Crops(link is external) (2013-2018).
Livestock Export Webinar Offered by Kansas Dept Of Ag Coming Up on October 1, Multi-state Coalition Aims to Advance Agriculture by Driving Research, Education, and Adoption of Nation’s First Perennial Grain Crop, Farm Bureau Launches Think F.A.S.T. for more information.

Accurate yield estimates are also important for programming harvest machines and making marketing decisions.

“We find that a lot of people who do not have access to a large amount of land and are willing to sweat a little bit can make a supplemental income with specialty crops.

From picking pecans to cutting down your own Christmas tree, there is always something exciting for guests Specialty Crops Demonstration Workshops Slated for Southeast Oklahoma Fri, 23 Mar 2012 15:10:04 CDT When some people think about agricultural crops in Oklahoma, wheat is the crop that comes to mind first. The Old Reliable. policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are NRCS provides assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentive Program, while FSA can provide some funding assistance. Regular sale every Tuesday.

Automated disease detection and management technologies could mitigate crop losses. It is also low-cost.

Specialty crops are defined as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and “You get a little better return per acre,” he said. Program. A second benefit, Jackson said, is that it also serves well as a rotation crop, including cotton, wheat and corn.

A new pruning method recommended by Pennsylvania State University Extension could cut pruning time by 42% and save $136 per acre. Learn more about NIFA Impacts. Gary Strickland is the Jackson County OSU Extension agriculture educator, Altus, Okla., and has been studying sesame for forage opportunities but also sees the potential for grain production. “It’s done very well in the arid conditions,” he said. programs). Many other potential “specialty” crops can be grown, however, which could help producers diversify. encouraged to participate as project partners. They have long proven themselves as viable for production on the Southern Great Plains. or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the
Automation is helping the specialty crop industry overcome labor shortages, fine-tune management decisions, conserve resources and meet growing demand. product or provide a profit to a single organization, institution, or individual.

Applications are currently being accepted by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry (ODAFF) for the Specialty Crop Block Grant They have long proven themselves as viable for production on the Southern Great Plains. Relative to other crops, many specialty crops are more dependent on agricultural labor for production, harvesting, and processing. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. for more information. must provide a benefit to more than just the applicant. “It’s a drought-tolerant crop, and we’re trying to find rotational dryland crops that could be produced in the area.”. Oklahoma makes up 6% of the total inventory of cattle in the United States. for more information. “Once you get it established, it can do quite well in adverse conditions.”. Growing specialty crops is the perfect way to turn your gardening skills and knowledge into extra income.