After clicking on OK you will see that even the row with JKL as name has been deleted. Jul 30, 2013 #3 Mark the column or row where you want to delete the duplicate value, under the tab "Data" there is a button called remove duplicates. But advanced filters will only be able to perform this on the entire table. Filter on the color used in the conditional formatting to select duplicate values or filter on No Fill to select unique values. Remove duplicates by shortcut. First, create a pivot table based on your data. Click On all checkboxes and click OK. M. Maagaard Board Regular. You shall see a duplicate values dialog box, wherein you can select your formatting option. This results in one less duplicate. Just like the formula method, you need to add a helper column that combines the data from columns. GARP does not endorse, promote, review or warrant the accuracy of the products or services offered by EduPristine, nor does it endorse the scores claimed by the Exam Prep Provider. For instance, in this exercise, you want to extract the unique Last Name + First name. It will automatically have your column headers, select the columns of which you want to remove the duplicate values. In Excel, you can do that with a tool in the ribbon or by formulas. This will be used later to filter out rows of data that appear more than once. We shall use the same example as above for learning removal of duplicates. 1. press Ctrl + Space to select the whole column of the active cell. Specify the cell range that will be filtered. As you can notice, this time the tool hasn't remove Bill and Jon because the last name is different, Before Excel 2007, it was also possible to remove duplicates but the tool was not easy to find. With Power Query, you can remove duplicates based on one or more columns in the table. Select a cell inside the data which you want to remove duplicates from and go to the Data tab and click on the Remove Duplicates command. This will show you all the data that has a duplicate value. In Power Query, there are also commands for keeping duplicates for selected columns or for the entire table. However, if you feel that there is a copyright violation of any kind in our content then you can send an email to Jul 30, 2013 #4 buddy as there is a short key … In excel 2010 Select the values. Filtering on 1 will produce all the unique values and remove any duplicates. To remove the duplicates, select a random... After clicking on remove duplicates a dialog box shall appear of remove duplicates. Go ahead and choose 'Data' located at the top of your screen. The above procedure will remove duplicates from an Excel table named CarList. 300+ powerful features / functions for Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 or Office 365! Once you find it, simply click on it to launch the wizard. Remove duplicates by shortcut. How to filter multiple values in only one column in Excel? Designed by John MacDougall | Copyright © 2016-2019 How To Excel, Find And Remove Duplicate Values With The Remove Duplicates Command, Find And Remove Duplicate Values With Advanced Filters, Find And Remove Duplicate Values With A Pivot Table, Find And Remove Duplicate Values With Power Query, Remove Duplicates Based On One Or More Columns, Remove Duplicates Based On The Entire Table, Keep Duplicates Based On A Single Column Or On The Entire Table, Find And Remove Duplicate Values Using A Formula, Find And Remove Duplicate Values With Conditional Formatting, Find And Remove Duplicate Values Using VBA, The Complete Guide To Microsoft PowerApps, The Complete Guide To Slicers And Timelines In Microsoft Excel. You can open multiple documents / files in a single tabbed window, such as using the browser IE 8/9/10, Firefox, and Google Chrome.