Most of the above can be upgraded by purchasing branches on skill trees that offer up added damage, wider attack range, and so forth, but such enhancements are not easy to come by. The most powerful of the Dryad hunters are even knowledgeable of the dark arts of Voodoo. Clicking on the right most tab of the Log Book will show your Character statistics. They are the biggest and usually strongest of their kind, but rather than following the cliché of the “stupid Ogre” they are neither dumb nor clumsy. Post Comment.

The Dryads are descendants of renegade Elves who withdrew to the western islands in ancient times. Brett Todd spent about 14 hours mindlessly mashing his mouse in Sacred 3 for this review. Want us to remember this setting for all your devices? Ideas are repeated so often I occasionally thought I'd made a mistake and had accidently chosen to replay a level that I'd already finished. The Elven societies represent the height of civilization and progress in Ancaria, though they are not without their dark side. The barbarian, for example, sounds more like Zoolander than Conan. There, away from the battlefields, everything is clearly structured. Each attribute affects many variables regarding a characters abilities - some regarding health and physical well being while others affect attacking ability and yet others affect defensive values. Treacherous, cunning and unscrupulous, they will always defend the territory they currently consider their own. Trolls are uncouth, intellectually challenged creatures with very low skills in language and expression. Oh, and the heroes are also morons.
Ogres, as well as Goblins and Orcs, belong to the Goblinoid family. Next Characters Alithea, lancer of Ankaria Prev Characters Vajra, Khukuri archer. Kill a bad guy, and you're showered with gold and shining orbs that boost health and power, but you never pillage artifacts like magical swords or ancient helms. There are six attributes shared by all characters. Learn the benefits of each, it could be the difference between survival and death. There are eight different character classes available for play in Sacred. They live in groups, clans and village communities. They live in family and clan structures, and they think very highly of themselves. Additional skills are available for "learning" at levels 3, 6, 12, 20, 30 and 50.
These races have special importance to the player since their character will "belong" to one of these races and their homeland. Villains get in on this party line, as do spirits residing in your weapons, including a perverted ghost who tells you about the things that he'd like to "get on top of" whenever you pull off a leaping attack. Opponents Defeated: The number of enemies you have killed.

There are no quests to perform; you're not so much a part of an RPG fantasy world as you are a pugilist picking individual fights. The Goblionid family, which includes Ogres and Orcs, has a wild and very old culture. Environments have a lovely sense of depth, and the camera regularly pulls back from the standard perspective to provide an exciting panoramic view of important events happening in the distance. Innocents are being slaughtered. Such delayed rewards killed much of my motivation to keep playing, because without the instant gratification provided by cool new gear and enchanted artifacts, the clicking feels too much like a pointless grind.