The group visits are an essential part of the admission process for all applicants applying to Grade 4. In some cases, the admission office may request additional information if we feel more information is necessary to make an informed decision. We accept applications for Kindergarten through Grade 8. Make sure to return any required paperwork. Five thousand students from 1,300 schools competed from home for NSDA recognition. Our campus de-densification and COVID-19 protocols, including testing, are based on official guidance and public health expertise specific to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Greater Boston area. Additional costs include fees for field trips, and optional programs such as the After School Program. As always, throughout the academic year we will build a sense of routine and foster camaraderie, creating opportunities for students to maintain meaningful connections with adults and peers, whether they are learning on campus or remotely. Amin then became an English teacher for a class of 12 CRP students and she has encouraged other Milton students—especially after school switched to remote learning—to volunteer as virtual tutors and to help her with developing an English-language curriculum to use in the classes. In and out of the classroom, we encourage students’ connection to others: teachers, advisors, coaches, and one another. Financial aid information is included with all admission information packets. I am not sure of anything other than that. While we ask our families to complete the re-enrollment process by February of the current school year, parents sometimes find out later that their child will not be returning to Milton Academy for a variety of reasons.

2020-21 Waitlist Request (Milton Minor Hockey) Print 2020-21 Waitlist Request Player Information. They included seven Milton students: Jana Amin ’21, Jack Burton ’22, Tim Colledge ’21, Miranda Paiz ’21, Nyla Sams ’20, Benjamin Simpson ’21, and Tyler Tjan ’22. Please contact us at 617-898-2509 if you need to schedule a Zoom interview.

The admission process consists of a parent interview, student interview and questionnaire for grades 6–7, review of prior school records and any standardized test results (depending on age), evaluations from current teachers, a family history form submitted by parents, and a virtual group visit by the applicant (Grade 4 only). To support these efforts, the Admission Office will conduct all admission interviews via Zoom and all fall events will be held virtually. All rights reserved. For students in Kindergarten through Grade 5, the primary means of transportation is carpools organized by parents. Milton provides lunch for all Lower and Middle School students who have the option of a hot entrée each day, along with choices from a salad bar, pasta and sandwich fixings. © Copyright 2020, © 2001-2020 All rights reserved worldwide. We support every individual in our community, helping students to become resilient young adults. spudType : "upcoming" , Coming together as a community is the cornerstone of the Milton experience, and we are committed to finding creative ways to convene and connect. teaserBase : "" }); Massachusetts DESE Return to School Guidelines, Messages to our community regarding COVID-19. As we plan this school year in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff is paramount. We look forward to welcoming you back to Milton Academy.