Despite the mundane plot, there’s plenty to do and distract yourself with within the game world and any fan of the Mad Max franchise will definitely get the Mad Max experience they want from this game. They release broken, and often impossible to complete, and are never, ever patched. Lovely graphics on the ps4. There are tons of better games that go for what Mad Max went for and do so in a superior manner. Ultimately, it's a game I would recommend, but with some due caution as described in the article. As you wander the desert on the lookout for pieces of scrap, your enjoyment will feel like it's on a downward trajectory the longer that you play.

Yet that’s a temporary issue. Never buy an Avalanche Studios game. Here, Mad Max goes for a brutal, scrappy take on fisticuffs based on fast attacks, blocks and counters, where success relies on watching for the incoming attack markers and countering just in time before dishing out a beating. Mad Max isn’t a terrible game — it’s actually well crafted. I still have not played, I bought MGS V and Mad Max last night, I figured I would try Mad Max for an hour before i would start Metal Gear. Enemy vehicles work in packs, and need to be rammed, sideswiped or blasted off the road. Mad Max and the Wastelands would have deserved a bolder characterization. This game EASILY scores at least an 8 out of 10. Mad Max is a fun sandbox with some cool ideas, but unfortunately the missions repeat the same patterns over and over again. Dennoch: Etwas mehr Abwechslung hätte gut getan. While things did begin to feel old after a while, players can still get many, many hours out of the game before that happens. It delivers a vast, meticulously rendered desert with nothing special to see. 71

based on Selten hat es dermaßen viel Laune gemacht, mit aufgemotzten Fahrzeugen durch die endlose Weite der Wüste zu heizen. Fills the needed niche of next-gen car combat. Mit Farpoint für PS4 will Sony die PSVR weiter nach vorne bringen. Mad Max manages to translate the vibe of the movies perfectly, but, unfortunately, that makes for a monotonous game. The satisfaction of the brutal on foot and vehicle combat takes me back to the good old days of burnout, but in a more mature fashion. Sure it's a Single player game but when it's made by Avalanche Studios, it's going to be a blast. Very solid game! Open environment driving is fantastic and the car combat is visceral. A bit like last year’s Shadow of Mordor. Leider stellt sich diese Ernüchterung nach einer gewissen Spielzeit generell ein. Und das hat es in sich. Denn neben einer praktischen Harpune – mit der wir beispielsweise Verteidigungstürme umreißen – können wir auf eine Schrotflinte und auf Explosivlanzen zurückgreifen. [Oct 2015]. A fun game with a few nice touches that is let down by lacking any real wow-factor. There’s tension and release in every fight. Gegen Ende wird es etwas zu eintönig. Die PlayStation 5 von Sony ist offiziell und hier findet ihr alle Infos zur Leistung, den Spielen, Preis & Verfügbarkeit sowie die neuesten Gerüchte rund um die PS5.

Wie gut schlägt sich Kratos im neuesten Ableger? Tell us what you think - send your emails to the Editor. Mad Max bringt alles mit, was der Name verlangt: Eine vertrocknete Welt ohne Wasser, völlig durchgeknallte Fraktionen, Gewalt, Gnadenlosigkeit und absurde Fahrzeuge, bewehrt mit Stacheln, Harpunenwerfern, Sniper-Gewehren und Klingen in den Felgen.