Each committee is chaired by a member of the majority party. The very first democracy in the world was in Ancient Greece in the city state of Athens. The election process of representative government focuses solely on the majority. In this way, the citizens have second hand control of the government, which is ideal for most countries. Once they win the vote, they can pursue their own agenda and little is in the way to stop them for several years. The Majority Rules For some, that means they choose not to participate in the voting process because they automatically receive this representation. 7. Each year we see an increase in the amount of people showing up to vote for their officials. People still have a voice. No Accountability The visibility of minorities in the media is an extremely important arena of representation, one that has been extensively studied and debated. This means that a large central government works in conjunction with smaller local governments. Almost all bills are first referred to a committee, and ordinarily the full House cannot act on a bill until the committee has “reported” it for floor action. This is rarely the case. From the Civil Rights Movement in the United States to Apartheid in South Africa, there are numerous instances throughout history where the majority ruled at the expense of the minority. Party leaders, such as the speaker of the House and the majority and minority leaders, play a central role in the operations of the institution. They could choose to make a vote based on their own personal preferences or choose not to show up for the vote and leave their representatives without representation. The Importance of Government in Society. 2. Some districts may also have highly varied socioeconomic groups that have conflicting needs. In some ways, it discourages participation. Once the election process is over, the people’s voice in government is virtually done. This simplifies the process of the democracy while ensuring all parties receive representation. It provides thorough representation of the general public. The main goal of representative democracy is to protect the rights and interests of the citizens in the country, this is accomplished by giving them a strong voice within the government. 1. This individual, who is chosen by the majority party, presides over debate, appoints members of select and conference committees, and performs other important duties; speakers are second in the line of presidential succession (following the vice president).

The committees also play an important role in the control exercised by Congress over governmental agencies. The constitutional requirements for eligibility for membership of the House of Representatives are a minimum age of 25 years, U.S. citizenship for at least seven years, and residency of the state from which the member is elected, though he need not reside in the constituency that he represents. The United States of America is the most infamous representative democracy in the world. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Communist countries may not join the United Nations. The advantages and disadvantages of a representative democracy show us that, with balance, it can be an effective form of government. Once an official is elected to represent them, the population must trust that their representative will pursue their needs as efficiently as possible.

Knowing that they have a voice in the government urges people to be more educated and up to date on issues that are happening in the country as well as the world. To put that cost in perspective, a community food bank could provide over 5 billion meals to the hungry with that level of investment. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. 1. Political System Income Tax & The IRS In many countries, the minimum age for voting is 18 years. The only possible consequence that could come is that they would not be reelected.