Draw 9 of Spades = perform 9 Hindu pushups. We would do the deck of cards with hindu squats and hindu dips, or just high rep sets as a warm up before you got into the ring. trouble pulling off a Hindu squat. I agree.

The exercise is named as Hindu as it’s believed to be originated from India. Took it upon myself to boost the numbers on a daily regimen of 1000 squats, 300 pushups and 200 situps every day. The History of the Squat. (As a young man I did this religiously) you're better off doing way fewer reps and doing something more explosive. Hindu Pushups . To assure that you gain all the benefits from this squat, it is most commonly paired with Hindu push-ups, called Hanuman Push-ups. Some days I'd go for a personal best, others I'd just do a minimum of 250 Hindu pushups and 500 squats. The last three months I still did the squats and bridging every day, but I performed the Hindu push-ups and a few other push-up variations I learned from Matt every other day. In fact, the Great Gama, a legendary wrestler who was undefeated in over 5,000 matches, was said to have performed over 4,000 Hindu squats each day. The Hindu Squat is one of the most interesting, effective lower body exercises available to athletes. Check out these videos to see how to actually do them and incorporate them into your regular workout. ... Plank Every Day for a Month, See What Happens to Your Body - Duration: 8:48. Even today it’s a staple exercise in an Akhada which is the place where wrestlers train and it’s more like a dojo. Hindu squats or bathaks, along with Hindu push ups, are a staple conditioning exercise used by Hindu wrestlers for centuries. was the high rep hindu squats. Hindu Push Ups and Squats Hindu push-ups is a great exercise used by wrestlers from India, Iran and Japan mainly Asian countries. The Hindu squat may not be a common exercise, but it reflects really common everyday movements and helps develop functional fitness. Draw 5 of Diamonds = do 5 4-count jumping jacks. Jlfitnessmiami 67,377 views. The Great Gama was known for the his insane volume of bodyweight squats to build his tree trunk legs. Hindu Squats . Hindu Squats. Andrew writes about things that you like to read about. Again, too much cost, not enough benefit, IMO. Whilst all squats are powerful leg builders, lending improvements to strength and added hypertrophy to even the most experienced of lifters, the Hindu Squat stands out from the rest for a few very good reasons. Draw 7 of Clubs = do 7 Hindu squats (when I was in really good shape, I had to do double the amount of squats to feel a good burn) Ray Cappa - 500 Hindu squats - too much wear and tear on the knees for too little reward. Anyway, enough about these exercises. He would perform thousands of reps each day and often times his squats were done with a 200 lb stone that layed around his neck and upper back. These squats are done together so that you can build strong, powerful legs in less amount of time. Bodyweight Superset: Hindu Push Ups & Hindu Squats - Duration: 5:42. Draw King of Hearts = do 10 bicep curl and press with each arm. Strength without weights is entirely possible, you just have to believe that it is. Combined with a specialised form of push ups, which will be covered in future posts, the squat was used as an overall body developer.

As detailed by Joseph Alter in a series of fascinating articles and books, Hindu squats have been used for centuries as part of the gymnastic training for Hindu wrestlers across India. Hindu push-ups are great but also very hard on the shoulders.