Support Server, Economy Here’s a list of some popular Discord bots. With comprehensive moderation, utility commands, music commands, and many other fun commands. Koya. Moderation

Having chatbots run your Discord servers, so you can focus on what’s important… leveling up! Nightbot provides a pile of chat commands and auto-moderation tools for your Discord. With over 125,000+ people already using Amazing, invite it today! Make a private room for them to discuss how awesome they are. ONLINE. It can also play any video on youtube. Music There's kick, ban, givingrole, deleting a role, displaying all roles, like that there's a lot of moderation commands with which you can moderate your server and make it a good one.

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Awesome Stickz# Logger bot is a easy to use Discord bot for logging events in your server. This is very useful for giveaways, Displays the weather of a particular location, !gcreate 3h_2m_1s(duration must be seperated by underscore) 2(number of winners) , Reroll the winner of a giveaway with message ID, Disconnects from the voice channel skipping all musics, Shows the song which is playing right now, Sends your fishing rod name and it's durability, Gives the amount you want to send to a user, Shows the leaderboard of balance, rep and streak, Sells your fishingrod and gives you money of current price of your rod, Shows the list of item you can buy in shop, Steals money from the user you ping once in 12 hours, Get $250 every 12 hours if you vote for the bot, Fetches 100 messages, cleans every bot's message in that 100 messages, Bans an user who is not in the server with their id, Kicks a particular member from the server, Sets the serverstats channels for the server. Chatbots, Security, and Healthcare Records. Server management just got a whole lot easier. Have any other Discord bots that you’d like to read about? Typical Bot. Close ONLINE.

Meme Play roulette, slots, blackjack, poker, minesweeper, connect 4, anagram, tic tac toe and more!

With over 125,000+ people already using Amazing, invite it today!

This includes a blacklist for inappropriate words/phrases and the ability to suppress spamming of excessive symbols, emotes, capital letters, links, copypasta, and more. The most complete & easy-to-use Discord bot! Amazing bot is a discord bot with tons of functionality, improving your discord experience. It includes various features like music playing in which you can add music to queue or playlist.

With amazing bot, you can play your favourite songs from youtube, pause it, skip it, you can also view queue of what songs are in the queue.